QuickChange Morion Reverse Osmosis System

A reverse osmosis system with tank, with the advantages of Direct Flow system

Artikel ID  60040060
Content  1 piece
Unit price HRK 1,884.72 / piece
Hersteller  Wasserstelle
HRK 1,884.73 *
* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping
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Quick Change Reverse Osmosis Morion of Aquaphor

Why this reverse osmosis system is listed in the tank with tank-less osmosis systems?

Because this system with Quick Change filters and tank their design without the drawbacks of a system with tank and with the benefits of Direct Flow system is fitted? Is not it? Is there yet. Here it is the reverse osmosis system Aquaphor Osmo Morion.

With the NEW OSMO AQUAPHOR MORION has managed to realize a completely new system technology provides a unique innovation. New technical possibilities have been implemented here and ask the previous veraltetn basic concept of reverse osmosis system in the shade.

Construction and Technology
The new system technology

Ordinary pressure tanks beseitzen two chambers, which are separated by an elastic rubber bladder: one portion is filtered water, which contains other, a hermetically sealed, an air charge (air cushions).

The tank is filled with pure water, the air (L) is compressed. At the rising of the water withdrawal presses air pressure, the water from the tank.

The water tank of the NEW OSMO AQUAPHOR MORION other hand consists of a collection area (S) and a control region (C). The clean water is located in the collecting area, while the control area is connected via a mechanical electroless automatic switching to the input of water supply is.
During the operating phase of filtered water flows into the collection area (S) and pushes water from the controlled area (K). In contrast, the water extraction water flows into the control area (K) and presses the filtered water from the collecting area (S).


Schema Tank

An additional permeate is no longer necessary. This saves space, cost and other connections / hoses, thus increasing the risk of contamination with any other component.

Flexibility at a lower inlet pressure
Drawback of previous systems:
There is usually a minimum pressure of 3.5 bar is required to fill the tank to ensure sufficient and differential pressures for the auto.
The NEW OSMO AQUAPHOR MORION can be compared with conventional systems lower supply pressure [line pressure] operates from 2.0 bar.
The use of a booster pump (booster pump) is in accordance with the operating conditions no longer required.

Capacity stability:

The capacity in recent osmosis systems is dependent upon the pressure. Advantage of the NEW OSMO AQUAPHOR MORION is always constant content of 5 liters.

Resulting benefits of AQUAPHOR QuickChange filter media

Hygiene protection
The NEW OSMO AQUAPHOR MORION is already equipped as standard with a terminal hygiene protection. This is based on the use of a hollow fiber membrane in the transition region of the micro-to ultrafiltration in the last position before the water removal. For details, see below.

Hygienic filter change on the fly
When replacing the filter, it is only necessary to press the lock button and lock it with a ¼ turn the filter on or off.
The change of the filter medium, the housing is also automatically replaced because both forms a unit.
The cleaning and disinfection of the housing interior, as in classical systems with interchangeable filter cartridges is eliminated.
It can no germs during filter change access to the interior of the filter. Also incorrect insertion of the cartridge [of conventional systems possible] is reliably avoided. The user is no longer with the new or used filter medium in direct contact. Again, this is another advantage for the hygiene safety.

Aqualen ® activated carbon blocks
All the activated carbon blocks are manufactured exclusively by the patented process Aqualen ®. Some features on this see below.

Summary of Features

Plug and use design
Do not connect a separate tanks necessary
QuickChange interchangeable cartridge, including reverse osmosis membranes
Aqualen ® - activated carbon blocks
Hygiene protection by sterile filtration
Low space requirement due to compact design
Low input pressure possible
No power supply is required
Emptying guaranteed
Water / Spülwasserverhältnis remains the same, even with a low amount withdrawn
Options on the input side hygiene protection for a longer period of use of reverse osmosis membrane
When changing the filter and rinse the osmosis membrane can be easily bypassed by a plug and thus less stress.


Length x height x width: 371 x 420 x 190 mm
Memory capacity: 5 liters
Water supply pressure min. From 2.0 bar
Maximum Working Pressure: 6.3 bar / 91.4 psi
Inlet water temperature: +5 ... +30 ° C
Maximum flow at 4 bar: 7.8 L / h at 25 ° C
Permeate / concentrate - ratio: 1:5 [is the P / K ratio depends on the inlet pressure and the water temperature] bar and 25 ° C at 4
Weight: 5.1 kg plant alone, completely about 6.8 kg
3 connections (quick disconnect) back:
Water supply: 9.525 mm [3/8 "]
Output and rinse water: 6.25 mm [1/4 "]
Used hollow fiber membranes and the reverse osmosis membrane are NSF certified.

Retention of harmful substances
AQULEN ® - activated carbon blocks
Already the Vorfiltrationseinheit with Aqualen ® - activated carbon block removes chlorine, heavy metals, organic pollutants, rust, affecting flavor and particle / particulate matter with high percentages. It is a massive carbon block (activated carbon from coconut) is used with the particularity of a fiber matrix structure, as well as the ability to retain iron in the specified scope.
Retention of harmful substances related to AP QuickChange Carbon Block 3 microns including loud graphics:

Chlorine [Active chlorine] 99%
Benzene 95%
Phenol 96%
Pesticides (Lindane for example) 97%
Heavy metals 95%
The following measured values are obtained with a block of carbon used in the Quick Change filters activated carbon type, here with 10 microns filtration and 254mm [10 "length]:

--- Chlorine --- Lead --- iron

Second Osmosis membrane:
Type ULP 1812-50, 50 GPD at 25 ° C. Vontron Enviro-Tech Co., Ltd.. Certified by: NSF / ANSI 58 and NSF / ANSI 61st Type TF 1812-100, 100 GPD at 25 ° C ULTRATEC USA Certified: 61 NSF / ANSI 58 and NSF / ANSI Depending on the configuration / equipment.

In the following some pollutants, which are retained by the osmosis membrane mostly: Examples [Metals in ionized form]: aluminum, magnesium, ammonium, arsenic, sodium, asbestos, nitrates, barium, nickel, benzene, phosphates, lead, beryllium, pesticides, bromine , mercury, radium, chromium sulfates, dioxins, silver, iron, surfactants, fluoride, trichloroethane, fungicides, toluene, herbicides, hormones, xylene, hydrocarbonates, zinc, insecticides, cadmium, calcium, copper, manganese, etc. Bacteria, viruses.
Detailed, quantitative pollutant retention rates of the osmosis membrane see:

Third Sterile membrane filter
The essential part of hygiene standards carry the hollow fiber membranes with an absolute filtration rating of 0.1. These comply with the microbiological requirements of EPA. The membrane shows a very low pressure drop at a high capacity means of an extremely large surface area structure. This makes them a germ locks with a reduction of more than 6-log steps (ie,> 99.9999%) to prevent seed nests, biofilm formation, etc.. Further field testing of the membrane were performed by an independent laboratory. NSF certified.
Sterile membrane filtration takes place after the storage tank. The terminal hollow fiber membranes used in addition to this position as a germ barrier against retrograde contamination [recontamination from the water tap].

Hollow fiber membrane structure detail:


First Input-side sanitary protection by hollow fiber microfiltration membrane (Quick Change filter type K1-07B), although the osmosis membrane to germs and particles larger than 0.1 microns should be protected.
Second Rückflussperre in the concentrate line:
On the wastewater side (Spülwasserauslauf) of osmosis filter, a barrier against backflow be integrated:

Third Concentrate discharge without siphon
To circumvent a permanent connection between the osmosis system (Spülwasserausgang osmosis membrane) and the siphon, the flush water through a small separate stainless steel spout is released into the sink ge-forwards. Drinking water supply and waste water line thus remain separated.

4th Device connection valve
Recommended device port valve with 9.525 mm [3/8 "] (or optional 12.7 mm [1/2"]) threads / union nuts rotatable including gasket, globe valve, check valve (!), 9.525 mm [3/8 "] hose , certified accordingly.


The NEW OSMO AQUAPHOR MORION comes in a compact box with handle:

Original delivery (as required changes are possible):
Complete system with QC sediment filter, QC Aqualen ® activated carbon block, QC - osmosis membrane, QC combifilter Aqualen ® - activated carbon block with MF membrane, tap, Siphonklemme, tubing, line - Siebschutzfilter. The system connection (device port valve) is optional, see options.

Optimized for use ...

... In countries where the drinking water is not up to the domestic extraction point conserved or sanitized. In most countries, the drinking water for example Added chlorine (at the point the smell of chlorine is noted). The vast majority of reverse osmosis systems designed for such water, eg USA, Asia etc.. Therefore partly filter media such as activated carbon granules are used, one of the hollow fiber microfiltration technology is recommended practice, nor offered. The manufacturer of the RO membranes [as DOW / TFC] nevertheless expressly point out that the RO membranes may only be operated with safe water. We have optimized our reverse osmosis systems in this regard and therefore provide for drinking water, which is not preserved / disinfected, according to a prior art optimal, economical and safe solution!

AQUAPHOR is a leading producer filter and housing for the American, Asian and European space for POU and POE systems both in private households as well as commercial and industrial applications. The special quality is rooted in more than 30 international patents that were developed by a team of scientists in their chemical and microbiological laboratory equipment. For quality assurance are appropriate control facilities available (protocol NSF 42, NSF 53 and EPA microbiology)
Water filters are available as OEM products for international equipment manufacturers.
Design, development, production and sales of water filters and components certified by TUV NORD, Essen, Germany in accordance with the quality management system ISO 9001: 2008. Recertified in July 2009.

Note QuickChange: filter change

Inserting a filter cartridge:
Filters introduce exactly straight from the bottom (if a filter cap on the filter cartridge, this beforehand).
Filter ¼ - turn to the right until it clicks audibly.

Development of a filter cartridge:
Locking button. Filter ¼ - turn left and take down.

1.1. Insertion of the filter
The Quick Change filter if not already installed, use the following in the system:

Filter [1] to position 1:
Quick Change filter depending on delivery:
Sediment Filter 20 microns, screw, type K1-P,
Activated carbon blocks K1-02 or K1-03.

Filter [2] to position 2:
Quick Change filter depending on delivery:
Activated carbon block K1-02 or K1-03
Activated carbon block with membrane bacteria block: K1-07B

Filters [3] to position 3:
QuickChange osmosis membrane 50 GPD

Postfilter [4] to position 4:
Activated carbon block with membrane bacteria block: K1-07B

1.2. Flushing water hose connected to the osmosis membrane

The flushing water (concentrate discharge) is
If not already installed, the bottom plugged into the Quick Change osmosis membrane filter until it stops.

2.1. Installation Siphonschelle
The Siphonschelle is the device for connecting the waste water (rinsing water) of an osmotic membrane on the drain.
1) self-adhesive seal
2) protector of the seal
3) mounting screws

A) in the discharge pipe above the S-piece of the siphon, a hole with a 6 - 8 mm diameter drilled.
B) The protector of the seal is removed and the seal stuck in a bind.
C) The terminal is by means of the fastening screws on the drain pipe (usually mounted a 30mm tube).

2.2. Alternative: Installing free outlet

By a free discharge, Abd see above, the backwash water can osmosis membrane are absorbed directly into the sink. In the sink first, an 8 mm hole is drilled, then used the gasket [2], the outflow [1] carried out and with the included adapter [3] connected to the drain hose of the osmosis membrane. We recommend this solution.

Third Faucet Installation
In the sink with a hole diameter of 12 mm is drilled. Hahnfuß the [1] is placed on the hole and the valve is placed. By shim fix [2] and mother [3]. Opportunities for the hose connection: The original delivery [4] the nut [4.2] is placed over the hose connection, the support sleeve fully inserted into the tube and then bolted. Alternatively the use of a tap adapter [5] is possible.
Note: The faucet spout can be removed for disinfection purposes.

4th Installation Kaltwasserabzweigung
For the cold water inlet of the system, there are various possibilities. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED device termination of JG is presented above in the section options.

5th Connect system
Follow the instructions on the separate sheet: How to Handle connectors!

5.1 Connections on the back:

1 Water supply (input) 9.525 mm [3/8 "]
2 Filtered water (output to valve)
Permeate, 6.25 mm [1/4 "]
3 rinse water to waste, concentrate, 6.25 mm [1/4 "]
4 sieve, without function
5 Connector, no function

5.2. Connect inlet CONNECTION NO.1

The respective individual investment line (T-piece, cold water supply, angle, etc.) is connected with the supplied 9.525 mm [3/8 "] hose to the input of the system (1).
In this tube the supplied wire (inline filter) is used. This serves as protection of the particle system mechanics. The recorded flow direction is observed.

Figure at a pre-installed system:

5.3. Connect to tap

The output of the system, filtered water, is connected via the 6.25 mm [1/4 "] hose to the faucet.

5.4. Rinse water connection establish

The Spülwasserabfluss system is connected via the 6.25 mm [1/4 "] hose with the Siphonklemme and the freewheel.

6th Commissioning

First When the system is configured as described above, the tap of the system and the device port valve (cold water inlet) is opened. All connections are checked for leaks.

Second First for about one escapes - 2 minutes, the air from the system until it comes to a slow loss of water from the tap.

Third Now turn off the water to the plant. The plant now produces in the collection area.

4th Discard the first three tank loads.

5th Now the system is ready for use.

7th Filter change

In accordance with DIN 1988, a filter change at 6 months is recommended. Earlier replacement may be required in high water intake and / or poor water quality. Osmosis membranes are usually after 3 - 4 years replaced.

8th Additional technical information

Cover the plant

The cover can include closure by turning the 3 - clips be removed: [not necessary for startup and operation!]

The hoses must always be perfectly straight inserted into the connector.

To avoid displacement Internal all seals (less than 3/8 ") with larger tube diameters of einzu suspensive hose trimmed slightly, as shown below.

A very lightly greased with fittings / o-ring grease facilitates the insertion of tubes and preserves the seals

Control the depth of insertion of connectors:
The insertion depth before insertion with a permanent pen, permanent marker, etc. Mark. May be controlled after insertion, that the hose connector is seated properly in the:

3/8 "and ¼" tubing at the entrances and exits of the Morion: 24-25 mm
Other 3/8 "connector: 21 mm
Other ¼ "connector: 17 mm

New filters must be rinsed before the first drinking water as described above
It is recommended that when changing the filter and the hose to the water tap mitzuwechseln.
Likewise treat the faucet with a spray.
When changing the filter cartridge is always the water supply is closed and observe absolute cleanliness.
Basically, the items that are incorporated into a water treatment plant to treat before assembly with an approved spray. Disposable gloves should be used.
Be acquired by us connected to existing pipes and outlets, we recommend to clean it and disinfect. For existing installations, we can not take responsibility.

Stagnation time
Only fresh filtered water is used. When taken from the water system continues to be stored, then just cool and short (<24 hours) in clean bottles.

Installation Notes
Installation work must be undertaken by trained personnel.
Depending on the system connections and knowledge regarding adaptation according to the prior art are necessary.
When the plug fittings of John Guest or DMFIT is the use of locking clips to respect straight and smooth cut hose ends. They must be free from scratches.
It is important to ensure that the hose connections at the filters to any mechanical train and buckling load are exposed.
The check for tightness of a system can generally be done only after commissioning at the installation and periodically during operation.
Although individual components for easy installation are pre-assembled and bolted together, then all threaded adapters, plug and screw using the prior art sealing materials (Teflon tape, thread sealing glue, thread sealing cord, flat or O-ring seals) per according to local needs properly sealed.
The marked flow direction (water inlet and water outlet side) is observed.
Water treatment systems can cause high back pressure. They must therefore not behind pressureless (ie not pressurized) to operate boilers!

Operating conditions
For downstream components or assemblies, we can not be responsible for any damage to the system operation (eg, noise, unit shutdown, etc.) take over.

The operating conditions specified by the manufacturer must be observed.
Changes to the system can lead to a loss of the manufacturer's warranty.

All filter units, if not specify otherwise, may only be operated with cold water. Impact or frost.
The systems were designed for domestic use at the point (point of use). The operator must ensure a proper use.
A backflow preventer and a pressure limiter are obligatory according to the prior art. To protect against backflow or back pressure of water filtration systems or other appliances (washing machines, DISHWASHING, shower hoses, etc.) into the public water system operators the requirements apply in accordance with DIN EN 1717, (etc. backflow check valve) use an appropriate fuse tap . regulate
Filter systems expose to direct sunlight.
All products may at visible damage or other impairment (reduced water flow, abnormal taste, smell, etc.) without professional damage or fault clearance can not be further operations.

Quality Management
Each plant has its own identification number. This is located on the inside of the housing cover.
A tabular summary of the QM system, see http://www.aquaphor-filter.de

WEEE Reg. DE 59051762

Item ID 60040060
Condition New & with original packaging
Variation ID JGwald NW-RO300-G
Manufacturer Wasserstelle
Manufacturing country Germany
Content 1 piece
Weight 0 g
Net weight 0 g
Dimensions 0×0×0 mm

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